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COVID-19 Virus Preparations at Columbia Canine Sports Center - Good & Bad News


We are positive that your e-mail box is full of notifications about Covid-19. These are out of an abundance of concern and caution. As you know, while CCSC has small classes usually held in large spaces (more about that in a minute), it is important that we all practice caution in our interactions to minimize spread of this virus with too many unknown attributes.

The virus is airborne and can exist for an unknown length of time on hard surfaces. That means that we need to clean, clean, clean. You are our first line of defense. Please wash your hands often, please continue to clean up after your dogs and feel free to clean surfaces, we will NOT be offended. We have upped cleaning in the small building at CCSC as we did during the canine flu but there is no way we can do the same at Trowbridge.

At CCSC, on the outdoor handles, you will likely see socks. Yep, a new life for single socks. They are there to provide a soft surface to protect you – our intention is to remove them daily for washing.

We will send buckets to Trowbridge with clean up materials for humans (where there are also lots of bathrooms with soap and towels) and there is lots of soap & water & towels (and socks) at CCSC.

As we said, a lot of what is going on here depends on you as well as us. If you have symptoms (shortness of breath, fever, for example), stay home – we will catch up when this clears &/or you know you are better).

We know that these dogs need time to work their minds as well as their bodies so we will try to work within the parameters, and we will be keeping you informed.

At least our dogs make good companions should we be holed up at the house – communicate with us on FB!

The GOOD news is that the floor is to start being laid in the big building starting Monday (except that the person doing this came home with the flu last night!). We are a teeny small business as you may know – your instructors are all volunteers and have their concerns too. Government say SB loans will be available but some of you know it has taken us weeks (months) to secure our most recent loan so we are not counting on that for our continued existence. Instead, we are counting on all of us working together to weather these challenging times.


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